How to Calculate HPL

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HPL or estimated birthday is the estimated time of delivery. Knowing when HPL will occur is important for preparing to welcome your baby. HPL is an estimate of when a baby will be born, but only 4 percent are born exactly on HPL’s calculation. This HPL date can go forward or backward. Some factors that influence this include changes in the baby’s position in the womb and changes in the size of the cervix. Those with a short cervix tend to give birth early.

A short cervix helps the baby’s head descend into the birth canal more easily. On the other hand, the position of the baby also determines the progress and regress of the HPL calculations. If the baby’s head is not in the right position during a normal pregnancy, then the mother needs time to put the baby’s head in the right position. If the expected position does not occur until the gestational age exceeds 40 weeks, the doctor will usually recommend a cesarean delivery.

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How to Calculate HPL? Due Date There are several ways to determine the HPL date. One of them is knowing when the first day of your pregnancy is. In a nutshell, Mom can calculate HPL by adding 38 weeks from that day since a person’s pregnancy usually takes around 38 weeks. Unfortunately most women do not know exactly when they are pregnant. Sperm can live up to five days in the fallopian tubes. This means that five days after having sex, the Mother will release an egg (ovulate) and the egg will be fertilized by the waiting sperm.

That is the day of the pregnant mother. If you don’t know when you are pregnant, there are some steps you can take. HPL Based on the First Day of the Last Menstruation This method calculates the HPL from the calculation of the first day of the last period. The average pregnancy lasts for 40 weeks (or 280 days) from the first day of the last period. So Mom just needs to add 280 days from the first day of your last period. However, it should be noted, Mom also needs to take into account your average menstrual cycle.

If the menstrual cycle is longer than the average cycle of 28 days, then the HPL will progress (pregnancy time will decrease), on the other hand if the menstrual cycle is shorter than the average 28 days, then the HPL will experience regression. Mothers can also subtract three months from the first day of their last period and add seven days to determine HPL. Find out about HPL through ultrasound.

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If you do not remember the date of your last period, or the date of conception is not known with certainty, you can find out HPL through an early ultrasound. Timing for an early ultrasound can sometimes determine the gestational age more accurately than checking the last menstrual period and date of conception. However, not all pregnant women have an early ultrasound at their initial screening appointment.

Many doctors do this for all pregnant patients, while others only do it if the HPL cannot be calculated by normal methods or determined by physical examination. Calculating HPL for IVF Pregnancy During the IVF program, the Mother and the doctor will know the date of fertilization of the egg and transfer of the embryo to the uterus. Next, to determine the HPL, the mother can add 266 days from the date of conception. This calculation is intended for those who have a menstrual cycle every 28 days.

HPL is determined from the date of embryo transfer. To calculate the gestational age for IVF, you can also use an ultrasound examination. Can HPL dates be planned? Mothers can plan their pregnancy in a certain month so that their baby is born on the desired date. However, pregnancy is not something that can definitely be arranged according to your wishes. Maybe Mother can get pregnant straight away because she is fertile, but mapping exactly when the baby will be born is still not easy, many factors affect it. Mothers can only estimate that’s why it’s called Expected Birthday. References:

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Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb.

Hello, how are you? Introducing us Jatilengger TV. The author, who is still a newbie, was born on August 20, 1989 in Blitar and is still living in the city of Patria.